Notice of AGM & Request for Nominations - 1st November 2020

*******   Notice of AGM   ********

Hello Windrushers!

This is the formal notice that the Club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be taking place on Sunday 1st November at 7pm via Zoom (please sign up here)

The end (well, the beginning and the end!) of the triathlon season is almost here and so is the time of the year when we look to our members to consider putting their hands up to stand for Committee and co-opted roles at the AGM in November (more on that below).

So, if you’re feeling the Windrush love, have had some brilliant times or have benefitted from being in the club this year (or before), and want to give something back, why not think about putting your name forward for one of our many, varied positions?

The club is entirely dependent on brilliant volunteers giving a little of their spare time in order to keep it running as efficiently and successfully as it does.  The Club's Committee and co-opted roles have done a fantastic job in 2020 under tough conditions, but as per usual protocol, everyone will be standing down from their position at the AGM.  This means that all roles are vacant for anyone to stand for – with no concerns about stepping on toes! 

Every year we encourage our members to consider standing for committee and co-opted roles (because without volunteers giving up a little of their time to keep things running, the tasks those positions are responsible for just won't happen). We also often hear that people feel hesitant to nominate themselves, for fear of stepping on people's toes, but this is not what we want!  We want all positions to be contested, so that the we all benefit from having the best people (and new energy/ideas!) running the club. 

So far, there are a few Committee members not re-standing and therefore we are asking you to please consider putting your name forward for a position if you think you can.  I’ve attached a description of each of the roles below – so why not have a read through and think about whether there’s something there which you’d enjoy doing and help us continue to make Windrush great in 2020?  I’ve listed the current holder of the post against each role in case you want to reach out and ask any questions.

We're hosting two 'Meet the Committee'  Zoom meeting on the 11th and 18th October, where you’ll have the opportunity to join many of the Committee and co-opted roles to ask us any questions you may have about our roles and what we do behind the scenes.  Of course, feel free to reach out directly to anyone on the Committee (or in a co-opted role) to ask questions.

You can sign up to these here:




This will be your opportunity to hear from the Committee in terms of what we’ve been doing over the past year and it will also be the occasion where we vote in the new Committee and any proposed changes to the constitution.  An agenda will follow nearer the time, but for now, three things for you all to think about:

  1. Do you want to put yourself (or someone else) forward for a Committee or co-opted position?
  2. Do you want to suggest changes to the Club Constitution?
  3. Would you like to suggest an Agenda item for the AGM?

If so, please complete the form here

You can find a description of each roles here. The Club's constitution can be viewed here.

The deadline for the nominations is the 16th October, whilst the suggestions for changes to the Constitution is the 9th October 2020. 

Whilst, for obvious reasons, we will not be able to host this at Pizza Express this year, we're going to try and make the meeting more interesting than just your usual Zoom call. Feel free to send any suggestions you have to me!



Club Secretary

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