Super exciting to announce that Windrush was awarded Triathlon England London Club of year and the Aqauthlon was London Club event of the year at the London Region Awards night in Oct 2018. Lara won technical official of the year. 

This put Windrush up for the National award and we are delighted to announce that Windrush has won the award for Triathlon England  Club of the year too!! 

This is due to all the hard work of the committee  - Round of applause to the committee from 2017 - 2018 for all their hard work. And of course we would not be where we are without all our amazing members for shaping and making Windrush the great club it is. You should all be extremely proud of yourselves! 

We will all be celebrating this news on Saturday night at the November knees up - see events to sign up - so hope to see you there. 


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