Hi all, 

Please find below the new summer training timetable. Anticipating some of the likely feedback: 

- sorry that velo is only fortnightly, this is the only booking we are able to get over the summer.

- sorry that there are multiple sessions on some days, there's not enough days of the week to get all the sessions we would like! Plus it's dependent on venue and coach availability.

- Please note that spin will cost 7 tokens from May in recognition that it is a longer session than other sessions on the timetable.

- I'm still trying to get a 90 min Lido swim session, will let you know if this is possible once it gets warmer. 

- We've got a new monthly bike skills session at the velodrome, both for those new to velodrome riding but also those wanting to improve their bike skills in general (look out for the series of sessions that Emily is running as well). 

- We're scheduling monthly (approx) beginners rides but the other group rides are dependent on members posting them, so please do post! 

Do let me know any other feedback, or sessions you'd like to see and we'll do our best to make it happen if there's enough demand. 

Adult Summer 2018 Training Schedule

 (Monday and Wednesday evening swims ending for summer on 30/4 and 25/4 respectively)


  • 8.30 - 9.30pm: Pilates at Brockwell Lido (not on bank holidays) Coach: Rachel


  • 7- 8pm: Coached Swim at Brockwell Lido from Tues 15 May. Coach: Emily/Nick
  • EVERY OTHER WEEK 8-9pm: Coach-led session at Herne Hill Velodrome, shared with Crystal Palace Tri. The session includes a monthly induction for new riders who have already done their group riding skills session. See My Clubhouse for details and dates. Coach: Becky
  • ONCE A MONTH (approx.) 8-9pm Group riding / bike skills on inner track at Herne Hill Velodrome (end of May to end of July). Session to build your group riding and bike handling skills, suitable for both those who want to improve their general skills on the bike and those wanting to ride on the Velodrome. This is the first session in your Velodrome Induction Pathway to build your confidence and skills to get you ready for riding on the Velodrome track at the next session (after doing your induction, ), or you can continue coming to this session to keep building your general bike skills. See My Clubhouse for details and dates.
  • There is also an uncoached public road bike session run by Crystal Palace Tri from 6-8pm every week. This is not a Windrush club event but you are welcome to attend, you will need to pay CPT to take part and sign in (and pay the Windrush coach separately if you stay on for the coached session). Please be respectful of CPT and don’t come onto the track early for the Windrush coached session unless you’ve paid to be there.


  • 7-8 am – strength and conditioning, Brockwell Park. From Wed 23 May. Coach: Becky/ Lucy
  • 7.30 pm – 9: Spin/brick at Brockwell Lido Gym. NEW FROM MAY – COST 7 tokens. Once the light is good enough (end of May) we will change this to a brick session (i.e. run straight after the bike) in Brockwell Park. Coach: Becky/ Nick/ Emily/ Lucy


  • 7 - 8am: Coached swim at Clapham Manor pool. Coach: Deborah/Becky
  • 7 - 8pm: Track running at Tooting Athletics Track. The session is for all running abilities. The focus of these sessions will be on building speed and improving running technique. Coach: Lucy/Audrey (£4.50 entrance fee + 2 token session fee)
  • 7 - 8pm: Coached Swim at Brockwell Lido from Thurs 10 May (except when there are film screenings) Coach: Lucy/Audrey


  • 9am - 9.45am: Brockwell Park Run (uncoached). Sign up at http://www.parkrun.org.uk/register/form/ if you want your time recorded.
  • 9.45am - 10.45am: Free uncoached swim at Brockwell Lido. Sign up on My Clubhouse if you want to attend post swim social.

Saturday/ Sunday


  • All sessions cost 5 training tokens unless detailed above. With the exception of track you do not need to pay the venue on entry, but please show your membership card to get access to the venue.
  • If you are new you to the club can sign up for a free taster session before joining the club – see https://windrushtri.co.uk/membership-faq#taster
  • Please ensure you are on time to sessions, otherwise the coach will have the right to ask you not to join the session.
  • Please ensure your ‘In Case of Emergency’ contact details are up to date on My Clubhouse and declare any relevant medical issues to the coach taking the session.
  • We are an inclusive club which aims to ensure that our club, training sessions and annual Aquathon are accessible for all and we welcome athletes of all levels and abilities. If you would like to take part in our training sessions but have a physical limitation or other issue that would need to be taken into account, please contact info@windrushtri.co.uk to discuss.
  • The only requirement for taking part in sessions is for the swim sessions you must be able to swim 200m unassisted, and you must already be able to ride a bike for any bike sessions.
  • Junior sessions are paid for in blocks- more information can be found here - https://windrushtri.co.uk/juniors/
  • Uncoached/member led sessions mean that you take part at your own risk, the club bears no responsibility for the events.



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Comment by Laura A on May 9, 2018 at 9:22

Hey Lucy! I was just wondering if the Lido swim tomorrow would be up to 16 people and not 14 as currently listed? Also, would it be possible to put up the Tuesday Lido sessions on the sign up site too?


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